The submitted proposals must be written
in English and can include:
- Participation type – you will first be asked to inform us how you are participating in this challenge, as a Solver (Individual) or Solver (Organization).
- Solution Level - the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of your solution.
- Attendance in the UAE – to prepare for and take part in an on-site demonstration of your solutions in 2025. Please indicate your interest in attending.
- Problem & Opportunity - highlight the innovation in your approach to the Problem, its point of difference, and the specific advantages/benefits this brings (up to 500 words).
- Solution Overview - detail the features of your solution and how they address the SOLUTION REQUIREMENTS (500 words, there is space to add more in the summary field, and attach supporting data, diagrams, etc).
- Instructions and Parts - include detailed instructions and a list of materials/components, which can be easily followed by the The Rocket Telemetry Challenge to construct and test the proposed systems.
- Solution Feasibility – Supporting Information and Rationale, such as references and precedents, that will help The Rocket Telemetry Challenge evaluate and experimentally validate the feasibility of the solution (up to 500 words).
- Experience - Expertise, use cases and skills you or your organization have in relation to your proposed solution (up to 500 words).
- Solution Risks - any risks you see with your solution and how you would plan for this (up to 500 words).
- Timeline, capability and costs - describe what you think is required to deliver the solution, estimated time and cost (up to 500 words).
- Online References - provide links to any publications, articles or press releases of relevance (up to 500 words).